accept(EventObject) - Method in interface tweed.system.bus.BusFilter
Determines if the given event should be accepted.
ActionEndEvent - class tweed.action.ActionEndEvent.
An events informing that a ContextAction has ended.
ActionEndEvent(Object, boolean) - Constructor for class tweed.action.ActionEndEvent
ActionEvent - class tweed.action.ActionEvent.
Base class for events informing that an ContextAction has started or ended.
ActionEvent(Object) - Constructor for class tweed.action.ActionEvent
ActionNipple - class tweed.action.ActionNipple.
ActionNipple(Contextualized) - Constructor for class tweed.action.ActionNipple
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class tweed.swing.ContextualizedAction
ActionPerformer - class tweed.action.ActionPerformer.
Performs a ContextAction in a Context, as a member of the Context object.
ActionPerformer(Context) - Constructor for class tweed.action.ActionPerformer
ActionStartEvent - class tweed.action.ActionStartEvent.
An events informing that a ContextAction has started.
ActionStartEvent(Object) - Constructor for class tweed.action.ActionStartEvent
addComponent(Component) - Method in class tweed.binding.InputValidationHub.ValidationMessageBuilder
addMember(int, BusMember) - Method in class tweed.system.bus.EventBus
Add a member to the bus.


beginBindings() - Method in class tweed.binding.InputValidationHub
Binding - class tweed.binding.Binding.
Base class for transferring data between model and view.
Binding(Context) - Constructor for class tweed.binding.Binding
build(ClassLoader, Object, InterceptionHandler) - Method in class tweed.system.interceptor.InterceptorBuilder
build(Object, InterceptionHandler) - Method in class tweed.system.interceptor.InterceptorBuilder
BusFilter - interface tweed.system.bus.BusFilter.
Interace for determining whether an event should be given to a BusMember instance.
BusMember - interface tweed.system.bus.BusMember.
Interface for classes that want to be a member of the EventBus.


CHILDLOGGER_NAME - Static variable in class tweed.binding.InputValidationHub
CHILDLOGGER_NAME - Static variable in class tweed.invocation.CommandInvoker
CHILDLOGGER_NAME - Static variable in class tweed.system.bus.EventBus
CHILDLOGGER_NAME - Static variable in class tweed.action.ActionPerformer
ClassFilterMember - class tweed.system.bus.ClassFilterMember.
A default implementation of BusMember, accepting only events of a given class.
ClassFilterMember(Class) - Constructor for class tweed.system.bus.ClassFilterMember
ClientSideValidationException - exception tweed.binding.ClientSideValidationException.
ClientSideValidationException() - Constructor for class tweed.binding.ClientSideValidationException
CodeBuilder - class tweed.system.interceptor.CodeBuilder.
Build the bytecode of a class deriving the subject class, with calls to a InterceptionHandler when override indicate to do so.
CodeBuilder(Class, Override[]) - Constructor for class tweed.system.interceptor.CodeBuilder
Command - class tweed.invocation.Command.
The base class for implementing Command objects, which represent a server-side processing.
Command(Context) - Constructor for class tweed.invocation.Command
CommandExecutor - class tweed.invocation.CommandExecutor.
This class helps the server executing a Command object with only its ExternalizedCommand as input/output parameter.
CommandExecutor(Context) - Constructor for class tweed.invocation.CommandExecutor
CommandInvoker - class tweed.invocation.CommandInvoker.
A CommandInvoker is supposed to run client-side.
CommandInvoker(Context) - Constructor for class tweed.invocation.CommandInvoker
Context - interface tweed.context.Context.
Describes an execution context.
ContextAction - interface tweed.action.ContextAction.
An abstraction of operations which can be ran by an ActionPerformer.
ContextPatcher - class tweed.context.ContextPatcher.
Use this class to provide a modified version of a Context instance, without modifying the original.
ContextPatcher(Context) - Constructor for class tweed.context.ContextPatcher
Contextualized - interface tweed.context.Contextualized.
Defines a reference to a Context object, allowing deferred access.
ContextualizedAction - class tweed.swing.ContextualizedAction.
A Swing-compatible version of the ContextAction.
ContextualizedAction(Contextualized) - Constructor for class tweed.swing.ContextualizedAction
ContextualizedAction(Contextualized, String) - Constructor for class tweed.swing.ContextualizedAction
ContextualizedAction(Contextualized, String, Icon) - Constructor for class tweed.swing.ContextualizedAction
ContextualizedFrame - class tweed.swing.ContextualizedFrame.
A base class for Context-aware Swing GUIs.
ContextualizedFrame() - Constructor for class tweed.swing.ContextualizedFrame
ContextualizedFrame(Contextualized) - Constructor for class tweed.swing.ContextualizedFrame
ContextualizedPanel - class tweed.swing.ContextualizedPanel.
A base class for Context-aware Swing GUIs.
ContextualizedPanel() - Constructor for class tweed.swing.ContextualizedPanel
ContextualizedPanel(Contextualized) - Constructor for class tweed.swing.ContextualizedPanel
create(OutputStream) - Method in class tweed.system.interceptor.CodeBuilder
createCommand(Class) - Method in class tweed.invocation.CommandExecutor
Creates a new Command instance correctly configured.
createContext() - Method in class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory
createInterceptorClassName(Class) - Static method in class tweed.system.interceptor.CodeBuilder
createMessage(String) - Method in class tweed.binding.Binding
createValidationMessage(String) - Method in class tweed.binding.InputValidationHub


DefaultContextFactory - class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory.
Creates DefaultContextFactory.DefaultContext objects.
DefaultContextFactory.DefaultContext - class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory.DefaultContext.
A mutable Context which should not be instantiated from outside the enclosing class or its derivates.
DefaultContextFactory.DefaultContext() - Constructor for class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory.DefaultContext
DefaultContextFactory() - Constructor for class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory
defineClass(String, byte[]) - Method in class tweed.system.interceptor.InterceptorClassLoader
doExecute() - Method in class tweed.invocation.Command
Override this method for the processings which should occur server-side.
doInvoke(ExternalizedCommand) - Method in class tweed.invocation.LoopbackInvoker
doInvoke(ExternalizedCommand) - Method in class tweed.invocation.CommandInvoker
doUpdateModel() - Method in class tweed.binding.Binding
doUpdateView() - Method in class tweed.binding.Binding
DURABLE_FREEZE - Static variable in class tweed.action.ResponsivenessImpact


enableLogging(Logger) - Method in class tweed.invocation.ExternalizedCommand
enableLogging(Logger) - Method in class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory
endBindings() - Method in class tweed.binding.InputValidationHub
ERROR - Static variable in class tweed.message.Severity
EventBus - class tweed.system.bus.EventBus.
An event "bus" providing a centralized place for posting and recieving generic application events.
EventBus(Context) - Constructor for class tweed.system.bus.EventBus
EventNipple - class tweed.system.bus.EventNipple.
EventNipple(Contextualized, Class) - Constructor for class tweed.system.bus.EventNipple
EventNipple(Contextualized, Class, int) - Constructor for class tweed.system.bus.EventNipple
eventPosted(EventObject) - Method in class tweed.system.bus.EventNipple
eventPosted(EventObject) - Method in interface tweed.system.bus.BusMember
Called when an event is to be posted to the member.
execute() - Method in class tweed.invocation.Command
execute(ExternalizedCommand) - Method in class tweed.invocation.CommandExecutor
ExternalizedCommand - class tweed.invocation.ExternalizedCommand.
This serializable object gathers fields of a Command object which should travel from client to server and vice-versa.
ExternalizedCommand() - Constructor for class tweed.invocation.ExternalizedCommand


fireUserMessageEvents() - Method in class tweed.binding.InputValidationHub
FunctionalException - exception tweed.system.FunctionalException.
A base class for exceptions which represent analysis error cases.
FunctionalException(String) - Constructor for class tweed.system.FunctionalException


getActionPerformer() - Method in class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory.DefaultContext
getActionPerformer() - Method in interface tweed.context.Context
Returns the ActionPerformer that processes ContextActions.
getBody() - Method in interface tweed.message.UserMessage
getBus() - Method in class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory.DefaultContext
getBus() - Method in interface tweed.context.Context
Returns the event bus for this context.
getBusFilter() - Method in class tweed.system.bus.ClassFilterMember
getBusFilter() - Method in interface tweed.system.bus.BusMember
Get the filter to that is used to determine if an event should to to the member.
getChildLoggerName() - Method in class tweed.invocation.CommandExecutor
Returns the name of the child logger of Context's logger.
getComponents() - Method in interface tweed.binding.ValidationMessage
getConcreteClass() - Method in class tweed.system.Instantiator
getContext() - Method in class tweed.binding.InputValidationHub
getContext() - Method in class tweed.binding.Binding
getContext() - Method in class tweed.invocation.CommandExecutor
getContext() - Method in class tweed.invocation.Command
getContext() - Method in class tweed.invocation.CommandInvoker
getContext() - Method in class tweed.swing.ContextualizedAction
getContext() - Method in class tweed.swing.ContextualizedPanel
getContext() - Method in class tweed.swing.ContextualizedFrame
getContext() - Method in class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory.DefaultContext
getContext() - Method in interface tweed.context.Contextualized
getContext() - Method in interface tweed.context.Context
Allows to pass directly a Context object instead of a Contextualized.
getContext() - Method in class tweed.action.ActionPerformer
getDeclaringClass() - Method in class tweed.system.interceptor.MethodDescriptor
getException() - Method in class tweed.invocation.ExternalizedCommand
getExecutor() - Method in class tweed.invocation.LoopbackInvoker
getFunctionalException() - Method in class tweed.invocation.Command
getInputValidationHub() - Method in class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory.DefaultContext
getInputValidationHub() - Method in interface tweed.context.Context
Returns the ValidationHub that every Binding uses implicitely.
getInstance() - Static method in class tweed.system.interceptor.InterceptorBuilder
getInteger(Binding, JTextField) - Static method in class tweed.swing.SwingBinder
getInvoker() - Method in class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory.DefaultContext
getInvoker() - Method in interface tweed.context.Context
Returns the CommandInvoker instance used server-side for executing Command instances on the server.
getLogger() - Method in class tweed.binding.InputValidationHub
getLogger() - Method in class tweed.invocation.CommandExecutor
getLogger() - Method in class tweed.invocation.ExternalizedCommand
getLogger() - Method in class tweed.invocation.CommandInvoker
getLogger() - Method in class tweed.system.bus.EventNipple
getLogger() - Method in class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory.DefaultContext
getLogger() - Method in interface tweed.context.Context
Returns the base Logger for this context.
getLogger() - Method in class tweed.action.ActionPerformer
getMethod() - Method in class tweed.system.interceptor.Override
getMethodName() - Method in class tweed.system.interceptor.MethodDescriptor
getMethodsToOverride() - Method in class tweed.system.interceptor.OverridesFinder
getParameterTypes() - Method in class tweed.system.interceptor.MethodDescriptor
getPatchedContext() - Method in class tweed.context.ContextPatcher
getResponsivenessImpact() - Method in class tweed.swing.ContextualizedAction
getResponsivenessImpact() - Method in interface tweed.action.ContextAction
getServerCommandClassName() - Method in class tweed.invocation.ExternalizedCommand
getServerSideClassName() - Method in class tweed.invocation.Command
getSeverity() - Method in interface tweed.message.UserMessage
getShouldIntercept() - Method in class tweed.system.interceptor.Override
getTimestamp() - Method in interface tweed.message.UserMessage
getUserMessage() - Method in class tweed.message.UserMessageEvent


handleActionEnd(ActionEndEvent) - Method in class tweed.action.ActionNipple
handleActionStart(ActionStartEvent) - Method in class tweed.action.ActionNipple
handleEvent(EventObject) - Method in class tweed.system.bus.EventNipple
handleEvent(EventObject) - Method in class tweed.message.UserMessageNipple
handleEvent(EventObject) - Method in class tweed.action.ActionNipple
handleMethod(Object, MethodDescriptor) - Method in class tweed.system.interceptor.InterceptionHandler
handleUserMessage(UserMessageEvent) - Method in class tweed.message.UserMessageNipple


INFORMATION - Static variable in class tweed.message.Severity
initializeClientSide() - Method in class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory.DefaultContext
InputValidationHub - class tweed.binding.InputValidationHub.
Holds the state of user input validation (bindings) and produces user messages, while a ContextAction is being performed.
InputValidationHub.ValidationMessageBuilder - class tweed.binding.InputValidationHub.ValidationMessageBuilder.
InputValidationHub(Context) - Constructor for class tweed.binding.InputValidationHub
instantiate(Object) - Method in class tweed.system.Instantiator
instantiate(Object[]) - Method in class tweed.system.Instantiator
instantiate(Object, Object) - Method in class tweed.system.Instantiator
instantiate(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class tweed.system.Instantiator
instantiateCommandInvoker(Context) - Method in class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory
instantiateContext() - Method in class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory
instantiateQuiet(Object) - Method in class tweed.system.Instantiator
instantiateQuiet(Object[]) - Method in class tweed.system.Instantiator
instantiateQuiet(Object, Object) - Method in class tweed.system.Instantiator
instantiateQuiet(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class tweed.system.Instantiator
Instantiator - class tweed.system.Instantiator.
Helper for instantiating runtime-defined classes, whose constructor takes parameters.
Instantiator(Class, Class[]) - Constructor for class tweed.system.Instantiator
InterceptionHandler - class tweed.system.interceptor.InterceptionHandler.
Derive this class to intercept bean property access.
InterceptionHandler() - Constructor for class tweed.system.interceptor.InterceptionHandler
InterceptorBuilder - class tweed.system.interceptor.InterceptorBuilder.
InterceptorBuilder() - Constructor for class tweed.system.interceptor.InterceptorBuilder
InterceptorClassLoader - class tweed.system.interceptor.InterceptorClassLoader.
InterceptorClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class tweed.system.interceptor.InterceptorClassLoader
invoke(Command) - Method in class tweed.invocation.CommandInvoker
isClientSide() - Method in class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory.DefaultContext
isClientSide() - Method in interface tweed.context.Context
Returns if the application is running client-side.
isServerSide() - Method in class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory.DefaultContext
isServerSide() - Method in interface tweed.context.Context
Returns if the application is running server-side.
isSuccess() - Method in class tweed.action.ActionEndEvent
Returns if the related Action was performed without any exception.


LoopbackInvoker - class tweed.invocation.LoopbackInvoker.
This invoker calls a CommandExecutor which resides in the same VM.
LoopbackInvoker(Context) - Constructor for class tweed.invocation.LoopbackInvoker


MAX_INTERRUPT - Static variable in class tweed.system.bus.EventBus
The maximum valid interrupt value.
MethodDescriptor - class tweed.system.interceptor.MethodDescriptor.
MethodDescriptor(Method) - Constructor for class tweed.system.interceptor.MethodDescriptor
Model - interface tweed.binding.Model.
A tagging interface for objects used as Models.
MONITORING - Static variable in class tweed.system.bus.EventBus
The default "monitoring" interrupt level, used by members who are only listeners/monitors of events.


Override - class tweed.system.interceptor.Override.
Represents a public method of an intercepted bean.
Override(Method, boolean) - Constructor for class tweed.system.interceptor.Override
OverridesFinder - class tweed.system.interceptor.OverridesFinder.
Extracts a JavaBean properties as an array of Overrides.
OverridesFinder(Class) - Constructor for class tweed.system.interceptor.OverridesFinder


PARAM_IN_PREFIX - Static variable in class tweed.invocation.Command
"in_" is the prefix for tagging input parameters.
PARAM_INOUT_PREFIX - Static variable in class tweed.invocation.Command
"in_out_" is the prefix for tagging input parameters.
PARAM_OUT_PREFIX - Static variable in class tweed.invocation.Command
"out_" is the prefix for tagging output parameters.
perform(ContextAction, Object) - Method in class tweed.action.ActionPerformer
perform(Object) - Method in class tweed.swing.ContextualizedAction
perform(Object) - Method in interface tweed.action.ContextAction
postEvent(EventObject) - Method in class tweed.system.bus.EventBus
Method used for sending an event to the bus.
prepareExecutionOnServer(Command) - Method in class tweed.invocation.ExternalizedCommand
prepareReturnToClient(Command) - Method in class tweed.invocation.ExternalizedCommand
prepareServerInvocationOnClient(Command) - Method in class tweed.invocation.ExternalizedCommand
PropertyDefinitionException - exception tweed.system.interceptor.PropertyDefinitionException.
PropertyDefinitionException(Class, String) - Constructor for class tweed.system.interceptor.PropertyDefinitionException
PropertyDefinitionException(Method) - Constructor for class tweed.system.interceptor.PropertyDefinitionException
Thrown when a method name starting with "get" or "is" has not a bean property compliant signature.


QUICK_FREEZE - Static variable in class tweed.action.ResponsivenessImpact


reconfigureOnClient(Command) - Method in class tweed.invocation.ExternalizedCommand
removeMember(BusMember) - Method in class tweed.system.bus.EventBus
Remove a member from the bus.
RESPONDING - Static variable in class tweed.system.bus.EventBus
The default "responding" interrupt level, for members who service events in a default manner.
ResponsivenessImpact - class tweed.action.ResponsivenessImpact.
Enumeration class for how an action should impact UI responsiveness.


SERVERSIDE_CLASSNAME_PREFIX - Static variable in class tweed.invocation.Command
ServerSideValidationException - exception tweed.binding.ServerSideValidationException.
ServerSideValidationException() - Constructor for class tweed.binding.ServerSideValidationException
setActionPerformer(ActionPerformer) - Method in class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory.DefaultContext
setCommandInvokerClass(Class) - Method in class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory
setConcreteClass(Class) - Method in class tweed.system.Instantiator
setConcreteClassQuiet(Class) - Method in class tweed.system.Instantiator
setContextLogger(Logger) - Method in class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory
setException(FunctionalException) - Method in class tweed.invocation.ExternalizedCommand
setExecutor(CommandExecutor) - Method in class tweed.invocation.LoopbackInvoker
setInteger(JTextField, int) - Static method in class tweed.swing.SwingBinder
setInvoker(CommandInvoker) - Method in class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory.DefaultContext
setLogger(Logger) - Method in class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory.DefaultContext
setNewLogger(Logger) - Method in class tweed.context.ContextPatcher
setServerSide(boolean) - Method in class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory
setServerSide(boolean) - Method in class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory.DefaultContext
setValidationHub(InputValidationHub) - Method in class tweed.context.DefaultContextFactory.DefaultContext
Severity - class tweed.message.Severity.
An enumeration for different types of severity, as shown in a UserMessage.
simulateTravel(ExternalizedCommand) - Method in class tweed.invocation.LoopbackInvoker
Serializes / deserializes ExternalizedCommand in memory to simulate travel between client and server.
SwingBinder - class tweed.swing.SwingBinder.
Utility class for binding Swing components to models.
SwingCoordinator - class tweed.swing.SwingCoordinator.
SwingCoordinator(Contextualized, Container) - Constructor for class tweed.swing.SwingCoordinator


toString() - Method in class tweed.message.Severity
toString() - Method in class tweed.action.ResponsivenessImpact
tweed.action - package tweed.action
Actions are user-triggered operations which execute client-side, generally with a server-side effect.
tweed.binding - package tweed.binding
Bindings update a Model from a View, or a View from a Model.
tweed.context - package tweed.context
A Context is a set of parameters and services for managing UI and server invocation.
tweed.invocation - package tweed.invocation
Invocation is making server-side operations happen, and get the result back on client-side.
tweed.message - package tweed.message
Messages (shorthand for User Messages) represent small texts displayed on the GUI for giving user an immediate feedback on his latest operations.
tweed.swing - package tweed.swing
Swing-specific classes.
tweed.system - package tweed.system
Commonly useful classes across all the framework.
tweed.system.bus - package tweed.system.bus
The Event Bus is used for loose coupling between components.
tweed.system.interceptor - package tweed.system.interceptor


UNNOTICEABLE - Static variable in class tweed.action.ResponsivenessImpact
unplug() - Method in class tweed.system.bus.EventNipple
updateModel() - Method in class tweed.binding.Binding
updateView() - Method in class tweed.binding.Binding
UserMessage - interface tweed.message.UserMessage.
A small text, plus some optional information, shown to User as feedback for his actions.
UserMessageBar - class tweed.swing.UserMessageBar.
A ready-to-use component for displaying UserMessages.
UserMessageBar() - Constructor for class tweed.swing.UserMessageBar
UserMessageBar(Contextualized) - Constructor for class tweed.swing.UserMessageBar
UserMessageEvent - class tweed.message.UserMessageEvent.
An event for a new UserMessage.
UserMessageEvent(Object, UserMessage) - Constructor for class tweed.message.UserMessageEvent
UserMessageNipple - class tweed.message.UserMessageNipple.
Connects to an EventBus for delivering the right callback.
UserMessageNipple(Contextualized) - Constructor for class tweed.message.UserMessageNipple
UserMessageNipple(Contextualized, int) - Constructor for class tweed.message.UserMessageNipple


ValidationException - exception tweed.binding.ValidationException.
Thrown to abort bindings from View to Model.
ValidationException() - Constructor for class tweed.binding.ValidationException
ValidationMessage - interface tweed.binding.ValidationMessage.
A ValidationMessage is a UserMessage with references to components, which are involved in a user input validation failure.
VETOING - Static variable in class tweed.system.bus.EventBus
The default "vetoing" interrupt level, used by bus members whose role is to veto request events or otherwise handle an event before it is processed by the default handler.


WARNING - Static variable in class tweed.message.Severity
wasSuccess() - Method in class tweed.invocation.Command


Copyright © 2003 Laurent Caillette. All Rights Reserved.